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Wouldn't you know it. Update


I am sure they are somewhat afraid to talk to me.... I have tried being friendly and talkative to the new people..
but they do not seem interested ... I even give their annoying dog treats.. constantly talk to their boys...

I might intimidate them as you say.... very long hair.... many tattoo's , ride motorcycles belong to a patched mc club and I am big....

No excuse not to ask what I am doing and why..

sound like my kind of guy... Guns, tats and bikes... You would have been the first neighbor I went to say "hey" to! I don't have many tats and I only ride by myself unless a poker run comes up, but I've come to find, guys and girls that ride (less that 1% thing I suppose) have stuff figured out. I haven't met a single motorcycle club that didn't do charity work, or go out of their way to help another biker when broke down on the side of the road...

I've been the "new guy" on the the block a couple times and I always try and conform to the neighborhood "doings" before trying to impose my own way of things. Nothing like having everyone around you hate you...
Screw that, you definitely need to casually mention to them that all of their fences are on your property, and that your not sure what you want to do about yet, leave it at that for awhile. I would do this soon so they know why you're bringing it up.
Make them sweat a little. It's the little passive aggressive things in life that make it worth living lol.
"PaulWI"Screw that, you definitely need to casually mention to them that all of their fences are on your property, and that your not sure what you want to do about yet, leave it at that for awhile. I would do this soon so they know why you're bringing it up.
Make them sweat a little. It's the little passive aggressive things in life that make it worth living lol.
I like Paul's thinking. If, as you say, you've been kind to them and tried to start a relationship and be a good neighbor to them...you've done what you should. it didn't work and they took this to the bad neighbor realm. 

What gets me is they sound like the uber-liberal type that don't like guns and area afraid of people that look like you. If they're the "love all kinds" and the type that support social issues of change and new ways...then they should support going out of their way to be a good neighbor to you too! You're a person too you know. Just cause you're probably in a traditional relationship and you value traditional values they choose not to be kind to you?? I don't get it. 

Lastly, others have said it and it can't be said enough, its invaluable to have good neighbors. Yes, I like Pauls thinking but do what you can to keep a dialogue open with them. 
I decided to just act like nothing happened... I will leave it alone.. And not be upset.
I will continue to say good morning as I always have...
I still reach over and pet their dog and give it treats as I always have done.. (a dog lover I am)
I will continue shooting .... maybe the police educated them enough that
what I am doing is not illegal.
They might have not understood the laws and the guns and the precautions I have taken....

But one thing is for sure... I will not take my guns off my covered deck again to where I am in full view of others...
So first precaution I did .... I bought a set of light bars for my chronograph and I will do all that in the cellar...

I have not heard anymore from police ... so I am sure nothing more will be made of it....
Problem now is.... I looked out my backyard and saw a woodchuck run under my shed... 
I guess he has a safe area to live now... damn it.. That would make a great 50 yard shot... Oh Well...

Looking at stirffr`s post above......
I think "Adverse possession (customary law)" is what we in Norway title as "hevdvunnen rett". This gives the user(s) an opportunity to acquire another man`s ground after 20 years.
The user can not claim ownership to the land, but can prevent the owner in using it for own purposes. 
This can i.e be a parking spot, a trail, or even a road, but it has to be regularly used by the user, and continuously over a period of minimum 20 years.

Something to have in mind, as I believe there are some similarities in Norwegian/American law here.

All right, you can be nice, but not passive in this matter too long I think............
I am safe as land is concerned...

I really think it was his busy body mother inlaw that called cops..... and he feels embarrassed ... but this is speculation on my part...

We both have detail maps from survey showing boundary lines and fences... (i could had made him move the fences at the time he purchased) but I said (not in writing) that I don't really care go ahead and leave well enough alone...
When he moved in ... it was made clear to him (by me) about the fence issues and the land...
and the lawyers made it very clear it is not his land ... I am in no threat of loosing it...

To bad the old neighbor moved... we had a great relationship.... he even asked me to take care of starlings nesting 
in his chimney... and squirrels in his garage... boy... they were the days my friends... those were the days...
I would think about putting a higher privacy fence along that line,
You said yourself your a dog lover, speaking as one myself I would be very worried if someone I didn't know shot pellet guns next to me and my dog stayed in the back yard.
I know sometimes its best to let things lie and cool off but Billy I think you would do better to have a man to man with the guy and explain to him you would never do anything to hurt there dogs, Tell him you shoot competition airguns and you stay in practice.... Ask them, if they are concerned what you can do to ease their concerns.
This has been an interesting thread and reminds me of my own situation dealing with a jackass neighbor who has taken exception to my backyard shooting.

I'm fortunate to live in a subdivision in an unincorporated area where houses are on widely spaced 3/4 acre lots with hundreds of yards of wild open space between streets. My back yard borders wide open space and my nearest neighbor behind me is over a half mile away. When I moved into my home the houses to either side of me were empty due to foreclosures so I enjoyed shooting any of my air rifles on my 50-yard range (including a .22 Sumatra) on a daily basis knowing I would not be disturbing anyone.

Fast forward a year -- both properties next door are sold and new neighbors moved in. I am always considerate and respectful of my neighbors, so without any provocation from them I purchased an LDC for the Sumatra (all my other rifles are moderated and very quiet) and adjusted my shooting times to occur only between 0900 and 1800. I always have used silent type pellet traps of one form or another and I only shoot in the direction of the vast open space behind me where a hill forms a natural backstop.

Within a couple of months of the new neighbors moving in, the local county sheriffs show up at the door to ask me if I had been shooting at one of their houses. Apparently this neighbor (a curmudgeonly retired couple) complained to the sheriffs office that I had put a hole through one of their vent pipes on top of their roof. I could never even imagine doing something like that. The friendly sheriff's deputy also informed me that this neighbor was in fear of his safety and that the noise from my shooting was a nuisance. So I gladly walked the deputy through by backyard range, showing the inherent safety of shooting direction, backstops, traps, etc., and then showed him my rifles (he was very impressed, as his knowledge of modern air rifles was Crosman 760/Daisy 880 type equipment). I shot a couple rounds through each of my air rifles to demonstrate how quiet my rifles were and even let him take a few shots. He had a big smile on his face as he told me I had nothing to worry about as I was not violating any ordinances and based on how quiet my air rifles were he judged my neighbor's complaint as baseless. All copacetic now right?

Wrong. Jackass then pursued complaining through our homeowners association, whose bylaws do not prohibit shooting air guns per se, but does have a provision for nuisance complaints. The HOA president is a friend and a co-worker and fortunately a very reasonable person. To be absolutely fair he performed due diligence with the complaint and came over to see my set-up (which I always welcome). He too was amazed at the power, precision, and quietness of modern air rifles and quickly determined that the HOA had no further role in this complaint. We had quite a lengthy discussion about air guns and his teenage sons shooting ground squirrels in the open spaces of the subdivision (perfectly legal). They were shooting with some very low-end springers, which triggered a thought in my mind about two very lonely (but capable -- professionally tuned) break barrel air rifles in my collection that have been totally neglected since my whole-hog dive into PCPs. Given that I had no further use for them, I decided to give them (including the scopes) to his sons as a gift. I must admit, my "charity" had the ulterior motive of sowing goodwill with the HOA in the hopes of deflecting any future frivolous complaints :)

In stark contrast, the neighbor on the other side is very cool. He's an airline pilot whom I talk flying stuff with whenever we're outside chatting. When I asked him about the noise from my air rifles, he said, "what noise?"

So I continue to enjoy air gunning in my back yard, secure in knowing I practice safety and give reasonable consideration and respect to all. Some people are just assholes and sometimes we have to live next door to them......the challenge is not to stoop to their level and compromise our character by returning hate for hate. I have reached out to Jackass a couple of times, but he avoids me. He even complained to the HOA that I trespassed on his property, when I took a parcel to his door that was delivered to me in error. I actually pray for him -- he's got to be one tortured soul to be the way he is. I especially pray for his wife....
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I had horrible neighbors in Baltimore. They were drunks that piled their trash up against the fence on my side of their row home. Well, when the rats came, I went to work with a Marauder and a night vision scope. These folks were so nasty, it was common to go out for work in the morning and see folks passed out on their back porch (under my bedroom window) with rats crawling and defecating on them. They would get that drunk. After a few noise complaints by me about all the all night parties going on, I am certain they would have called the police on me. I have since moved to the country and now I shoot in my back yard with my new neighbors. I got lucky and the drunks are still in Baltimore where they belong. You can't pick your neighbors but you don't have to live where you can't be free to do what you want on your property either. Making the move was the best decision I ever made.

Updated news.

I shot this weekend.... and nobody called cops on me.... Or I don't think they called...
No cops come nosing around..... 
We shall see... I am not going to stop... until ordered to....

I feels so much better..... I almost went nuts ... thinking I might not be able to shoot outback any more....
I often just get bored and go on deck and shoot.... stress relieving for me....

Thanks Astroman
Great story..... I am so glad I am not the only one that experienced this.... not that I wish it on anyone mind you....
I still remain silent and not say a word about it..... In fact I complimented him on his small
4 x 4 garden .. just to see if he would speak.... He did.... but nothing said about air guns... 

I did shoot over the weekend but each time they came outside... I stopped..... I do not wish to get them going...
Just hope they do not see me shoot a squirrel out back when season opens...... 
I live in a sparsely filled subdivision. I shoot out back 50- 75 (far as a dare). My time out back is limited. I try to shoot early in the morning and late afternoon (when the wind isn't howling in New Mexico). If the neighbors come out even though they are several hundred yards away I stop shooting. If a car slows down I just take my rifle in the house. I personally contacted the police and they said if anyone complained they would shut me down. There are so many people now that really don't kow the first thing about guns let alone air guns. Here in New Mexico we are loaded with Anti's and tree huggers and this is a pro-hunting state! I think it is wise to be respectful and try not to put "it" in people's face especially if they can make trouble for you.
Two years ago My son and I got a Sandhill crane permit. While we were hunting we were asulted by an Anti and her dogs. She had no control of her three dogs and started screaming to not shoot her dogs while she was accusing me of exterminating the black rhino (I don't big game hunt or have been to Africa). I politely told her we unloaded our guns when she came near but, if she could not control her doberman and it jumped the fence to attacked my son I would put it down.
We allowed her to walk all the way back to her house which took nearly 45 minutes. Birds were continually flying overhead but we did not shot in her presence. Dispite my son's protest we chose to respect her view even though she did not respect us. 
Although I don't think we should hide our guns and hide the fact that we hunt, I find that narrow-minded, ignorant (not that they are stupid but uninformed) people can be more trouble than you think.They will go out of their way to make your life difficult and enjoy the fact that they have ruined your day. We need to hold our ground but cushion with these people. They will NEVER understand our views. I think it was Harry Truman who said it best, "Walk softly and carry a BIG STICK"
Best of luck,
Edit Maybe it was Roosevelt but you get the jist...always need to be on guard!
Ya Know

At my age of 61, I thought I have seen petty much everything.
But, again as usual I was wrong.... Before all this ... all my neighbors did not care... in fact they encouraged it, they used to pick on me calling me sure shot... I never missed (so they thought).. They got sick of having so many squirrels and troublesome birds around... especially those pesky red squirrels... they were all over... (not any now)
If fact I found a dead gray squirrel on my steps one night... someone must have thought I shot it... I cleaned it and examined it and found a pointed daisy .177 pellet (which in my view a poorly placed shot).... (the gut) ... I sure hope the person that left it does not think I shoot that bad or use poor quality ammo like that...

I do not understand people anymore, seems like they want to have a reason to complain. The neighbor complained I was shooting a bb gun.... for crying out loud.... a bb gun .. (if they only knew what it really is they would go nuts).. in the older days kids were all over town with bb guns... in fact I remember while I was young I watch a man using a bb gun on main street of town ... shooting pigeons... nobody turned him in...

There are little kids all the time in the small woods outback shooting bb guns... one has a machine gun type bb gun.... once in a while I hear the bb's bouncing off my shed... but no harm ever done... I am sure those poor kids are next... they have a ball out there with those things... there would be no reason to complain.... but they will...

What a world we have turned into... 
NMShooter...Maybe it would serve you to look up some pro-attorneys to take on some harassment suits pro bono. If that doesn't stop their unfounded interruption of your lawful activities, I don't know what will. Thankfully, I live in a Virginia county that does not prohibit discharge of any guns in the back yard, so long as the projectiles stay within the property lines. Best of luck in your situation, I don't envy you!