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Wouldn't you know it. Update

Cops were just at my house and they had an anonymous complaint that 
I was shooting bb guns in my back yard .... We just got new neighbors this summer and i suspect
it is them.... I told the cop i was doing nothing wrong and I had 6 .22 caliber rim fire backstops I use... noway a pellet will go thru it....
I said I have thousands of dollars invested in this hobby and practice daily.... why now.
He is going to check law and if I am breaking it ... he will get back with me....

I will have last laugh... he has many fences hooked to my border fence and guess what.... my property runs 14 inches other side of said fence on their side...
In some areas the fence is many feet onto my property..... I going to ask that all fences be unhooked include dogs runs...

Thought I was being nice in letting people do things ... nice guys finish last...
Hey Billy,
Obviously do what you choose with the pesky neighbors, but one thing you might want to consider that might get you more mileage out of the neighbor and seeing issues more in your favor if I could be so bold as to suggest. Introduce yourself and explain what your doing and that you want to be a great neighbor and you are taking every precaution not to do any damages to their property, etc, etc,. That you so want to be such a good neighbor that you are simply willing to overlook the fence issue....for the time being....If you keep the fence issue in your back pocket as a little neighborly leverage it might serve you well down the road. Problem is if you pull the pin on the grenade and make them move it, then you don't have your leverage any more.....just a thought. sorry to hear your having some issues with backyard shooting and the neighbors. It sucks. I made it a point to explain to my neighbors what I am doing and that only adults would be using the guns and that I have pellet stops and back up stops as well and that I would assume responsibility should anything be damaged. I even invited a few over to shoot so they could see my guns and get hooked on air-gunning themselves.

Might want to pull up your towns "city ordinances" lots of towns have them on line, and see if they say anything about airguns or "bbguns". I know in my particular town they are totally legal as long as I don't shoot across anyone's property or the streets. good luck! :)
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We had a similar experience one year in northern Wisconsin. My dad owns a dairy farm that has been in the family for over a 100 years. Our family has always hunted there. The farm is only a few miles out of town and the way urban sprawl has happened we have many houses crowding in to the point that the few hundred acres is difficult to deer hunt on and we have to really know what we are doing. But a couple years ago we had a call from the DNR. They kind laughed at the complaint that came in but it was a warning sign to the change in mentality. A neighbor called the police on opening morning of deer season because they heard gun shots. That was the complaint. They heard gun shots. If you know anything about Northern Wisconsin you would understand that most children over the age of 12 are out of school for that week and 20 years ago it sounded like WWIII. Now it is relatively calm with a shot here and there. I think the new neighbors were a bit exasperated when they called the police and they chuckled at them, but for us it was an indicator that we are being inundated by anti-gun mentality. I often sit at my window with a pellet gun. I am careful not to walk around the yard with it openly and if I see neighbors outside I know enough to kill the session for the day, but I feel like a criminal sometimes. If I was out shooting a bow and arrow at a target I would be seen as a sportsman. But anything that looks like a gun (especially a black one) I would expect nothing less than a swat team to be on its way. This is a huge warning to all those people out there that think that AR replicas are a good idea. If the cops show up, there is a good chance you will not be lucky to get out of it with some laughs. People have lost their minds and seeing the news these days and taking into account the limited knowledge average people have about weapons I can't necessarily blame them. Shoot on. Use your head. Talk to your neighbors. And, for GODS SAKE, don't do anything stupid while you enjoy your sport. One person with a pellet gun can create national news these days and it blows my mind. (NOTE: I am not saying that there is anything wrong with a 'tactical' rifle) as long as you comprehend that millions of people all over this country see that plastic in your hands and instinctively hit the dirt with the gut reaction of end of days style combat.) Rambling Rant Over.
I am cooler now.... I checked the local laws and i am not breaking any laws...
I think the neighbor in question saw me shooting past a chrony into a box of rags.... I was out in open in backyard.. 
Believe me this stops a pellet fast and is silent....but they must have disliked it...
I was out in plain sight..... and they must have seen gun.... ...(oh my a gun)
but they should had said something to me....... funny thing is.... I found many noise ordinances they are breaking...
I will seal my lips and continue shooting..... from my deck they can't see me shooting.... I am sure they hear it...

Thing that gets me.... they called it a BB gun.... How rude...
Holy crap that would make me raise hell on them. Do what you say about the fences but make sure that you ask them if they called the police. Be polite and explain how safe your hobby is with all the backstops. Explain your sport and how far a pellet flies compared to a powder burner and how it isn't a firearm. Then if at last resort if they don't heed your offer of surrender, smite them!!!!!!!! Ehehehheh just my suggestion. Good luck and be nice since your neighbor will stay there for a long time so it's better to have him/her as a friend not enemy. I'm sure you know that good luck!!!!
Sorry to hear about this. I've been wondering if I would find myself in a similar situation. I just started shooting PCP air guns within the last six months and I would have to say that I really enjoy it. I enjoy the fact that I can shoot a lot more due to the ability to shoot in my backyard. I know law is in my favor as I'm not breaking any laws by shooting the air rifle. And like yourselves, I make sure to shoot into a backstop. I'm not worried about the neighbors getting annoyed by the sound of me shooting, but to someone who hasn't seen modern air rifles with an LDC/moderator it can look like a powder burner rifle with a suppressor. So, even though I'm not breaking any laws, I not only take precautions to reduce the noise by shooting with a moderator and dampening the pellet impact on the backstop, I pick strategic locations as much out of sight as I can.
I live in an area that you can shoot a powder burner and it is legal. I want to shoot a air gun to keep the peace but my neighbor has a dog that if very aggressive and I talked to them about it. I now hear how me shooting my air rifle bothers there dog to the point that they feel the need to report me to the proper authorities. I am taking the higher road for now, but I am not breaking any laws. I will ask you to be careful what you do with your neighbor it might affect all of us.
once your neighbor finds out that there is no ordinance about "BB" guns they might try to change that....
If there is an ordinance about discharging firearms in city/township/county, all that is needed is to change the wording from discharge firearm to discharge weapon and now you are braking the law. 
so pay attention to the township meetings.
Fellow air gunners
I am going to sit low and mouth shut for now..... I do not want to rock the boat... and this could explode to a new village law.
It upsets me that I have thousands and thousands of dollars invested to shoot everyday if need be and some jerk that feels threatened
or scared decides to call the law instead of coming over and asking questions.... Like I told the cop... I am shooting aspirin at forty yards....
am I really going to hit a house that is behind me....
I had set up my "shooting bench" in the front yard so that fifty yards were available to me. The airgun that i was shooting was an RWS Model 35 in .177 caliber pushing the RWS 8.4 gr pellets well below the speed of sound. Hits were well within the 3/4" marine grade plywood back stop and were not penetrating through. One neighbor is a retired Navy Rifle Team member. He approached and asked if that was a bb gun that I was shooting. He appeared satisfied with my explanation of ballistics, penetration and limited range. The person living on the other side of my property has been judiciously avoiding nearly all contact with me since I complained, not only to him, but to the County Animal Control about his dogs barking 24/7, escaping his pen to enter my yard and attack my dog. The Animal Control Officer closed down his unlawful and unlicensed breeding compound. I'm not on his Christmas card list! I did have to ask him about all the cats around his property. He stated that they were not his. My wife began feeding the scrawny critters and we have actually adopted three of them. My shooting is done, primarily, from inside the house and through the opened office windows. the only noise generated is from impact with spinners and paper targets on my , now 10" thick, wooden backstop. In this part of the county, it is lawful to discharge firearms in one's back yard, so long as the projectiles stay within your property. Realistically, shooting any firearm would be grossly negligent as there are many residences within the danger zone of all firearms. Many of my other nearby neighbors have invited me to dispatch their nuisance birds, squirrels and rabbits, knowing that I shoot very accurately and with safety paramount in my dealings.
I hope everything works out to your advantage billydjann!
I listened to the members here and kept my mouth shut about the neighbor turning me in for shooting.
The police were in the neighbors back yard yesterday looking over the tall brush and plants to peek at my set-up.
I did not witness this but my wife did.... I have a very nice set-up as mentioned...
I use (6 ) .22 rim fire traps at various distances for all my shooting...some silenced with clay to deaden sound.
But ---- my wife did hear a policeman say to another policeman as they were leaving and getting into the patrol car that no laws were being broken and they were actually laughing to one another. (they still think I use low powered CO2 bb gun, I am sure)

The police have not come back to talk to me, but neighbor will not have eye contact with me at all.... (oh well)
I will chalk it up to young people having a new home and trying to change things to have it their way... I am still pissed--- but I will keep mouth shut and will not ask him to move fences (yet)

I will not give up my right to shoot so I will continue doing so....

Be this as a lesson and not react to something to quickly....... I was ready to blow up the night the cops came...
but I did not.... 

Good for you! Cool heads prevail. I would almost bet the neighbor is afraid of you since you "have a gun". Unfortunately you would probably have to make the first step to be friends since they "fear" you. Might go a long way in taking over some chocolate chip cookies and welcome them to the neighborhood. (ok those are my favorite lol) Besides a good laugh, you might either become good neighbor friends or at least embarrass them that they called the cops on you and you were so nice to bring them cookies. Heck show them your clown ink, bet they can't help but like that, who doesn't like a clown? take care and enjoy shooting! :)

I am sure they are somewhat afraid to talk to me.... I have tried being friendly and talkative to the new people..
but they do not seem interested ... I even give their annoying dog treats.. constantly talk to their boys...

I might intimidate them as you say.... very long hair.... many tattoo's , ride motorcycles belong to a patched mc club and I am big....

No excuse not to ask what I am doing and why..

"I will have last laugh… he has many fences hooked to my border fence and guess what…. my property runs 14 inches other side of said fence on their side…"
I keep thinking about this and thinking in some areas if someone has been using your property for a number of years without being aware of the property lines they have been given that land in court when disputed. I really don't know what it's called but remember reading about it when I worked for a title company in the 70's. Probable nothing to it. hope you and the neighbor become friends.
I live in the country, so no laws or ordinance that I have to worry about. But, I do have neighbors on both sides and across the street. I have lived here for 11 years and only had trouble with one neighbor. He had no legal grounds to call the cops on me and never did, but he was nosey and a pain in the ass!! Ends up he was more curious than anything. I decided to try to be cool with him and it worked. I ended up fixing his home defense piece for him and all has been good since. I do go out of my way to keep things good with him. I give him handloads and other ammo from time to time and even gave him a Gamo bull whisper scoped with pellets. I now have zero neighbor issues and also gained a good neighbor.

This might not work for you, but it might be worth a try to break the ice.