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Why do all the targets have body shots?

There are a lot of times where a good heart/lung shot is easier to achieve versus a head shot. Especially on the critters who have the perpetually moving melons! Either way...get good at hitting that 3/4"-1-1/2" body shot on the target and then aim for the head on the live targets. LOL The goal is to aim small and be accurate...whatever end of the critter you are shooting at.
Head shot/ heart shot debate is a long fought one. Assuming most hunters seek one over the other is a bit of a misconception.

Mainly, body areas of (steel) targets offer more room for placement. For example, my reset targets are basic body area killzones simply because there is no room for otherwise. They are more of a FT training, string free target than a hunting "simulation".

There is more room for changes in field targets, but I just did get into those, nothing more custom or new has been finalized yet.
Bill, I make custom field targets by hand for myself and friends. I have sold a bunch to my club too. They are hand cut with a plasma torch so not quite as nice as your execellent cnc cut targets. Just something to do since I retired.
We have a log with a squirrel in it for the nationals but it was too large to be seen as a squirrel. So I made a two sided squirrel head to fit there. You could have a die made up to be just heads of recognized animals?? Just a humble suggestion....

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Gamo style faceplate? A good bit more work doing them by hand for sure!

I could make some Head KZ designs, I'll keep it in mind. I do need to start coming up with new styles, its just a bit time consuming to find suitable ones- and then make stencil sets that work. I've been trying to get my wife to take over the stencils completely, she currently runs the machine and takes care of all the instructions, etc. My hands are usually far too dirty to handle paper anyway. My goal is to have atleast 12 total FT styles by the end of the year. I can easily adapt them to the resettable targets, so I will probably add the same styles for them as well.
They don't, I know most do though. In UK HFT the scoring is 2 points if the target is knocked over and 1 point if the faceplate (the metal silhouette) is hit. One of the targets I've seen used is a squirrel holding a nut in it's front paws. The kill zone is in the nut. The nut is only about 1/2" larger in diameter than the kill zone. The shooter can either go for the kill zone and risk missing the faceplate, or just aim at the body (which is much larger) and guarantee not scoring 2 points. Quite a few clubs now make their own faceplates, thus making it more difficult.
 FT isn't so much about hunting, just about greatly improving your shooting. Start shooting FT and you wont be taking head shots at squrriels anymore, you'll be counting 4-5 eyelashes to the left. Now why don't these targets have eyelashes?
I've seen the "sniper" target with head shot, Yosemite Sam you shoot the left gun barrel first then the right, the correct KZ placement on a small crayfish, well?