ted you did a great job ...thanks

A warm thank you Ted from Norway! You are well known all over the planet, and here in Scandinavia as well.
In my mind I picture that you now will get more time to enjoy shooting, without the camera attached, and just digging the feel of no attachment and obligations in serving others (for a while).
If you chime in once in a while as a member, that would be most appreciated............ but no commitment. 
Best wishes Ted!
For your family's sake - Do whatever is best for them.
For your fans' sake I hope you continue to produce some videos... That's how you first got my attention and brought me to airgunning.
I guess it's a leap from an avocation to a vocation - I hope, airguning never fails to enamor you, and I look forward to your continued insight.

All the best,
Lt. Skitz
Thanks Ted I learned so much ,,I know the feeling,,probly why my motorcycle never went on the road, and I don't hunt in tree stands alone my kids mean so much to me ,,,,it seems like yesterday the nurse at the maturity ward said "pay attention it goes fast" 9 years later I'm a coach for his lacrosse team! ,,and my 5 yr old daughter 's hero good luck thanks I hope to see a video from time to time Jeff
Thanks Ted for all your many contributions to our sport/hobby! I've missed a lot of my kids' stuff over the years due to the demands of my position at work, so I completely understand where you are coming from and I have a ton of respect for the decision you have made. I wish you the best of luck in whatever future paths you choose to go down, and I hope you enjoy every minute with your family!
