RAW sprung a leak


Oct 31, 2016
My brand new RAW HM 1000x .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated), which I bought on July 17, 2017, already sprung a leak. And not just a barely audible, slow leak; but a violent, LOUD, volcanic leak! I screwed the bottle down as much as I could by hand, but it is still leaking at a rapid pace.

Also, has anyone ever heard of the RAW gauge/fill nipple assembly moving around freely when the bottle is removed?
"scrane"Well, that didn't take long.
Yes, the gauge/fill port floats and stays put only under pressure.
BTW: Good Pun.
I just changed the o-ring and filled 'er back up. So far, so good. It's interesting; before the leak, there would be a screeching noise when I filled her. That noise did not occur when I filled her after the o-ring swap-out. I wonder if the noise and the leak are related.

At least my Impact didn't start leaking until months later and countless bottle swap-outs. My RAW started actin'-up in less than a month and only two bottle removals. This is exactly why I didn't opt for a spare bottle and chose to fill my bottle in the field with a pony bottle.

The thing that amazes me the most though is that my RAW had been sitting on my workbench in my bedroom for at least six hours without a peep while I was in my living room. I had just walked into my bedroom to hit the hay when she blew! What are the freakin' odds?! It scared the bejesus out of me! I have a feeling God is up there laughin' his ass off.
"Deja"heh som much for that impeccable raw quality. well bad luck is bad luck. that said, of my 3 pcps my cheapest one has been the most flawless. had problems with my vulcan and my streamline but the gamo has been perfect. o_O
Yeah, between the trigger coming at only 4.7 oz with no first stage and the ridiculous lengths I had to go to adjust it, and now this catastrophic leak; I'm really rethinking my decision to buy this thing. 
"scrane"The reliability of an airgun is inversely proportional to how much you screw with it.
Tell me about it. That's why I was planning on never removing the bottle and re-filling in the field with a pony bottle. But I had no choice but to remove the bottle in order to adjust the trigger. The marketing materials say that the trigger is "fully adjustable." What they don't say is that the rifle needs to be torn apart to actually adjust the trigger!

However, the rifle should reasonably not leak after less than a month and only two bottle removals. (I reattached the bottle after removing the stock as merely holding the cocking lever back to test the trigger does not give a valid reading.)
"scrane"I shaved some wood off the two little horns on the front of the stock so the bottle will clear without removal. Any time you exercise a high pressure seal there is a risk.
I wish I would have thought of that. I will consider doing that if I ever have to remove the stock again. Why would Martin design it like that?

How did the finish look after you did that?
"scrane"The reliability of an airgun is inversely proportional to how much you screw with it.

Agreed. Why did you remove the bottle off of your brand new rifle?
It's the only way to adjust the trigger. Please reference RAW's marketing materials and owners manual. Besides, the RAW HM 1000x .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated) is touted as utilizing field-swappable bottles.
"Dirte"The squeal noise is from too fast of a fill. What o'ring did you install?
I always fill extremely slow. I used the o-ring that was supplied by RAW. The squealing noise ceased after the o-ring swap-out.

If it is this o'ring, It can be pinched and ripped if it is tightened down too much. There is no reason why you could not put a spot of non petroleum o'ring lube on it either. This would give it a bit of slide when tightening. Most o'rings that are at the back of a screw, needs very little pressure when cinched. They will get mashed and ripped if you go beyond that.