Proof of the impending Apocalypse !!


Apr 5, 2015
So I searched " rifle scope" on eBay today without putting a brand in the search box and look what popped up !!!! 
The poster child for " Feature Rich " scopes . Some sick SOB actually glued and strapped all this crap together and is selling it for like 60$ . I cannot imagine a bigger waste of money . 
When the day comes we sink to using this kind of scopes on our airguns we will be one step away from living in the trees ...And flinging our own poop at each other .
And is that , or is it not made on a flashlight housing ? 
Now while I haven't seen one of these in person ........ Sorry I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about it . .. I visualize looking thru the skid mark on a pair of tidy whities in a poorly lit room as the kind of optical clarity a scope like this has . 
Picture trying and pick out a target and a crosshair thru what looks like truck stop toilet water and you kinda get the picture of what it like looking thru one of these .
For the love of the sport ...Steer clear of this kinda stuff :) 
If ya still have two good eyes for heavens sake don't risk one of them on this kinda misadventure !!! Lol
Even with all that crap on the scope, it's gotta be missing something. . . . . . . . 


You can't see through it with all that crap on board and lousy optics! That's gotta be it.

Must be out of stock too, I did the same search, and it didn't come up. Wonder who bought it for their 338 Lapua? One shot kill with that one, like one shot to kill the scope.

Update - I did find the scope, it was $84. Price of Apocalypse went up $24, better get one fast!
Y'all think you're so funny! Well I'll have you know I was his Beta tester for this magnificent piece of historic opticality that those of us on the inside call the "Cluster-sight" and I can now (finally!!) report the following from my own first-hand account of using this superior technology on my Daisy 753S while shooting at 88 yards using Gamo TS-10s at 10.5 grains:

1. The gun is 7.5% lighter with the "Cluster-sight" installed
2. While displaying this optic on my rifle the odds of sweet young things coming over to talk to me increased by 28.3%
3. 78.7% of those sweet young things were male :(
4. My first twelve 10-shot groups at 88 yards were all sub-MOA and formed the profiles of the first twelve Presidents of the United States in chronological order (including J.Q. Adams' cranial warts!)
5. Daisy refunded $75 to me when they got word I was using the "Cluster-sight" on one of their guns; they plan a full advertising spread featuring my 753S and the prototype "Cluster-sight" in the December 2018 issue of "McCall's Home Journal"
and finally...
6. I've dropped 50 lbs, regained my libido, seen my stock portfolio go up 43% in value, and reconciled with my High School sweetheart who is now CEO of a Fortune 500 company and was listed as the 4th most influential female business leader by "Midwestern Meatpacking Quarterly" in 2013.

Mock if you want to, but I know a gravy train when I get on one.
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@Imold, thank you for reminding me! I meant to share that all of those groups were shot from the back of a specially trained burro lent to me by an Amish farmer who raises them near Wapecong, Indiana. My 88 yard range actually is an abandoned alfalfa field southwest of the former Grissom AFB, now the Grissom Aeroplex. The alfalfa is now 2-3 feet tall so I borrowed the burro in order to have a clear sight on the targets. Good thing I was only shooting an air gun, as Amish burros are unaccustomed to powder burners but are fully acclimated to the "snap" sound of air-driven tools - an artifact of their use in hauling materials around the sites where barnraising is going on. So, not really freehand nor bench rest, but more like "burro rested".