New Year, New Airgun - Which one are you choosing?

I chose a 700mm .22 Panthera

i like the folks at Airguns of Arizona, but there is contact info on the American Air Arms web sight i had some questions email them multiple time as well as multiple call and zero response.
i have money to spend and had planed on spending that money at Airguns of Arizona.
but i use to do reviews on gear in the rcording world and one thing i use to always say it doesnt matter how good somthing is if the service isnt there.
thats just a fact.
i contacted four companies with some basic questions and the two companies have yet to respond, American Air Arms and brocock.
as much as i woud like to give my money to Airguns of Arizona, Rich as been very helpful but they dont sale FX and they dont seem be able to get or dont want to sale the edgun.
i am going to hold off untill srping but i plan to sepn some money on a nice upper end gun.
maybe who ever is at AAA is on vacation for several months who knows? i dont care.
You might consider Kelly @ KrazyKool for a Huben K1 he always answers and helps. And the Huben I have is a fantastic rifle and very accurate if I do my part.
Well, I have quite a fine collection going. If I had to choose,I would go the inexpensive route.
Most likely a Seneca Dragonfly in .22 or/and an A/V Avenger in .177
Aside from those,perhaps a large bore. Such as an AF Texan or even a Benjamin Bulldog.
I've Really been enjoying my springers lately and just picked up an HW30S deluxe from AOA,as I had given my Beeman R7 to my Daughter. Man,I must say, those little rifles are Wonderful to shoot. They remind me of why I got involved in this whole deal to Begin with. I love to shoot...and there isn't Anything that compares to just grabbing the rifle,some pellets and spending some time challenging myself.

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Well we will see what happens. My last two, 1701p and 1720t, are yet undiscovered.
See, I went missing in 1986. Remembered my like of airguns in 2020.

I bought a HW30, and have struggled with self control and my redundancy rules ever since.

I need small and somewhat powerful. But I want another HW30, a silver one.

I really like the 1720, so maybe a used Prod. I know I know, the idea of the thread was new guns, but I am sure to buy used old stuff.

If I were to pick from the photo in the opening post, it would be the Brocock. If I could spend more it would be a AAA Evol.
My Christmas/Newyear and birthday present, to me from Addi arrived yesterday. An Air Arms s510 xs 22cal carbine in walnut. A fac ofcourse. Beautiful gun. I'm a happy man. Addi too, except she's a happy dog. Happy Newyear to all. Bill and Addi. Tip of my cap to Ted at Pyramyd Air for great service.
That is a beautiful weapon. I am considering one myself. Trying to decide.