MROD GEN2 Weight Loss Program (Video)

Because there are so many of you that are thankful for what the video tutorial offers, I thank you all for the kind words! And thank you all for remembering that it's about the journey and the experience of the sport and learning. Any of us can get into a fight with the better half and buy the top of line item, but some of us have to do things in steps and my experience being shared in video and tutorial are not intended to be the ONLY way, just my way.

If there is a direct question in any of these that I missed I am sorry, please put it back in front of me and I will answer it, I promise ;)
I have been in a busy beaver mode between work and YouTube hating on Air Gunners that I have not given your responses their due diligence and I apologize.
The attention to detail in not just this one but in all your videos is amazing. You make it so that any joe average guy with limited skills can understand and I enjoy your very informative videos.

Its a shame that those with their own agendas of extremely biased hate, try and take away from what it is you provide.

Keep up the great work!
Hajimoto Very well done ! Will be looking at your other productions on YT too. Newbie to pcp's and just remembered you had this posted,well I found it. My question is at the end of the video, I see that when testing the gun it appears to be left handed. did you just add that section of video later because it was right handed early ? Also do you have a video changing the bolt l to r or r to l Just wondering because I need to do this to my synrod 22. Also the barrel tube & air baffels- does one leave them dry or use a light coat of ballistol on them ? Sorry to be going off the subject from your video but you seem very knowledgeable on mrods I had to ask. Thankyou for taking all your time producing these video's .You've made me more confident to tear into mine when the time comes. Would like to hear what everyone else doe's to their barrel shrouds too after cleaning. I do know about the straw trick , but if your going to clean your barrel just do it all I don't believe in half @$$ Hajimoto keep up the great work !! Darell
Darrel - Firstly, thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it. As for the left hand, if you look you will see that the name Marauder is flipped. I wanted the rifle pointed int he same direction as the reassembly so I flipped the video of the rifle over during post-processing in the digital workstation hoping some eagle-eyed viewer would not see it.... FAIL! LOL
The hammer slide area of the pressure tube I use graphite and inside the barrel, I clean ballistol and then patch pull it dry. Baffles dry as well. When I clean my barrel the shroud and baffles come off, the baffles are sprayed down with ballistol while I clean the barrel and then using cotton swabs and cloth wipe off and dry baffle prior to reassembly.

Thank you for the comments and questions!
The attention to detail in not just this one but in all your videos is amazing. You make it so that any joe average guy with limited skills can understand and I enjoy your very informative videos.
Its a shame that those with their own agendas of extremely biased hate, try and take away from what it is you provide.
Keep up the great work!
Im blushing right now.... you cant tell but I am :)
Thank you for the kind words of support
Hajimoto, I thank you for the great amount of time and trouble it takes to put out such valuable information... video making from idea to final uploading is HARD and people should recognize that. I appreciate and applaud you.

Without people like you (and others whos foundations we stand on) the air gun world would have fewer people involved worldwide because you both instill confidence to take on tasks but also show people, regular people, that this is a hobby they get into and can enjoy. And with more people there will be more ideas and businesses serving those ideas for better and better air guns and shooting. Your work is a seed that helps all of us so ignore those blind people who have eyes but can not see. And I like to know who is making products I can buy so I don't have to waste my money buying and discarding unsatisfactory 'parts n gear', no problem with you saying manufacturers names, even one you are associated with... thats called pride in a good product.
Kinetic 45 I hope that you are not replying to my questions to hajimoto that I was being a smart @ss to his video. Because I have great respect for Hijimoto, Joe Rhea, and all the other people that take time out of their lives to produced these videos so we can learn from them.I have very little computer skills( NO COLLEGE) I'M what you call a (BLUE COLLAR WORKER) &one thing that I do is give RESPECT to people. Hajimoto I meant no disrespect to you & maybe my wording could have been better-sorry. Kinetic 45 if by way you are refering to me then I'm glad to have RUFFED YOUR FEATHERS but some people have to be on CLOUD 9 Darell