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Matt Dubber in trouble

@BigTinBoat : I did not see that post, must have been a different one. I read the thread on the dead Falcon. Either way, did not see. Thanks for sharing, will look again. 

Yup, saw it this time. But looks like he took down his video (s)? Why? Way I see it is that if all his hunting is legal & documented, he should be ok, albeit those kind of people are a Malignant Cancer that will not go away when they latch on. 
"intenseaty22"@BigTinBoat : I did not see that post, must have been a different one. I read the thread on the dead Falcon. Either way, did not see. Thanks for sharing, will look again. 
Yup, saw it this time. But looks like he took down his video (s)? Why? Way I see it is that if all his hunting is legal & documented, he should be ok, albeit those kind of people are a Malignant Cancer that will not go away when they latch on. 
From what I got from Matt's "Hectic Stuff" video (which he has also taken down) he wanted to protect his permissions (which were shown in the videos) from being attacked by these people also.
There comes a time when a man has to stand up for himself, even if its against emotional, illogical crazy people. I understand wanting to protect his permissions, but taking the videos down just gives those crazies more power. If you lie down they will pick your bones clean and go looking for the next victim. Being the fact they enjoy surveilling his youtube channel maybe Matt should post a special video just for them. One where no animals are injured not even his Ass that they can kiss.
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"Wadcutter"There comes a time when a man has to stand up for himself, even if its against emotional, illogical crazy people. I understand wanting to protect his permissions, but taking the videos down just gives those crazies more power. If you lie down they will pick your bones clean and go looking for the next victim. Being the fact they enjoy surveilling his youtube channel maybe Matt should post a special video just for them. One where no animals are injured not even his Ass that they can kiss.
There was an episode on 20/20 where the anti's stopped the hunting of a species of Oryx now extinct in the wild. This species was brought back from around 80 animals up to over 5,000 due to the high price that people would pay to shoot these animals on a Texas ranch. These ranchers invested in these animals and they greatly increase in numbers. There was now enough animals to restore them back in the wild. Well............ The court sided with the anti hunting and it is now banded to shoot these animals. The anti's won but the species lost. It hasn't been reported but I am certain their numbers will plummet with the ranchers no longer investing in these animals which are now competing for resources with animals that will reimburse the rancher. 
The "moral" of the story is that they do not care about ethics, morals, or what ever but only their own agenda and "screwed up" belief system. If they truly wanted to help this species they would have worked with the ranchers to re-establish a breeding herd in the wild. As it is, they believed hunting is wrong and should be stopped at all cost, even if it means the extinction of a species. Wow..... how messed up is that.
I agree with Wadcutter. Repost those videos, edit them if you can and even post a video in response to the anti's. You will never win an argument with them or convince them of your rights. They only believe what they want to believe and if you do not agree with them you are evil. They will do everything in their power to slander you.
I would definite involve the authorities about the death threats and I would be using the media just like they are doing to you. You have a voice and I would be ALL OVER the internet telling what these A-holes are doing to you. All that you can do is stand up for yourself.

I find it IRONIC, that these anti's thugs or any "stand up for the little guy" thugs use the very same Bullying techniques ( and many times more severe) that they protest, on to their perceived abuser ("victims").

 Maybe I am wrong, but at no other time in history has there been an attack on conservative morals and religious values. If you are "normal" ,something is wrong with you. Not sure if I have ever read about a "conservative" revolution but if we ever want a "normal society" we will have to back these delusional, self-centered, narcistic people off. This is obviously not just a problem in the US.

If our founding fathers ( who risked everything for freedom) could see up now, I believe they would be shaking theirs heads in disbelief!
"Wadcutter"There comes a time when a man has to stand up for himself, even if its against emotional, illogical crazy people. I understand wanting to protect his permissions, but taking the videos down just gives those crazies more power. If you lie down they will pick your bones clean and go looking for the next victim. Being the fact they enjoy surveilling his youtube channel maybe Matt should post a special video just for them. One where no animals are injured not even his Ass that they can kiss.
There was an episode on 20/20 where the anti's stopped the hunting of a species of Oryx now extinct in the wild. This species was brought back from around 80 animals up to over 5,000 due to the high price that people would pay to shoot these animals on a Texas ranch. These ranchers invested in these animals and they greatly increase in numbers. There was now enough animals to restore them back in the wild. Well............ The court sided with the anti hunting and it is now banded to shoot these animals. The anti's won but the species lost. It hasn't been reported but I am certain their numbers will plummet with the ranchers no longer investing in these animals which are now competing for resources with animals that will reimburse the rancher. 
The "moral" of the story is that they do not care about ethics, morals, or what ever but only their own agenda and "screwed up" belief system. If they truly wanted to help this species they would have worked with the ranchers to re-establish a breeding herd in the wild. As it is, they believed hunting is wrong and should be stopped at all cost, even if it means the extinction of a species. Wow..... how messed up is that.
I agree with Wadcutter. Repost those videos, edit them if you can and even post a video in response to the anti's. You will never win an argument with them or convince them of your rights. They only believe what they want to believe and if you do not agree with them you are evil. They will do everything in their power to slander you.
I would definite involve the authorities about the death threats and I would be using the media just like they are doing to you. Like Trump, you have a voice and I would be ALL OVER the internet telling what these A-holes are doing to you. All that you can do is stand up for yourself.
I find it IRONIC, that these anti's thugs, Liberal thugs, and any "stand up for the little guy" thugs use the very same Bullying techniques ( and many times more severe) that they protest, on to their perceived abuser ("victims").
 Maybe I am wrong, but at no other time in history has there been an attack on conservative morals and religious values. If you are "normal" ,something is wrong with you. Not sure if I have ever read about a "conservative" revolution but if we ever want a "normal society" we will have to fight these delusional, self-centered, narcistic people off. This is obviously not just a problem in the US.
If our founding fathers ( who risked everything for freedom) could see up now, I believe they would be shaking theirs heads in disbelief!
You are wrong when you try to frame this as a conservative versus liberal issue. Frankly there are radicals on both ends of the political spectrum, it all depends on the subject matter and I don't see where anyone can claim that their values and behavior are the only proper way to define "normal". Dishonesty and similar tactics like those outlined here, are not the property of just one political persuasion. I also hate seeing this turn into a political discussion, especially regarding Donald Trump who has been the poster boy for immorality, narcicism, delusions and self-centered behavior.
I've said too much already, I'll leave it to the moderators to clean up. Peace brother.
I don't want to make this political, I just reference Trump going to the internet to make his case. My point is about Bullying others when you don't agree with their views and it is interesting to me who is actually doing the Bullying! What's going on with Matt Dubber is a form of Bullying by attacking his character. I am not suggesting he should do anything illegal but to stand up for himself and give "them" a little dose of their own medicine. I don't think doing nothing is the answer and I think he should push back a little. The anti's or any group for that matter that resorts to these tactics wants nothing more than for you to run and hide or worse try to persuade them that you are right. They love this and will mock you every chance they get. Killing all those poor starlings ( or what ever), you are not going to win this argument.
Better to say to these people that what you are doing is legal (and you do this in an ethical way) and to expose them for the evil acts that they are doing by going public anyway that you can. 

PS- I personally don't like Donald Trump but as I told my Staunch Democratic Father, " If the politicians (both parties) were truly doing their job of taking care of this country. Donald Trump would not have had a prayer of becoming our president.
( I will remove the Liberal point and Donald Trump so that my point will not be tainted)
"NMshooter"I don't want to make this political, I just reference Trump going to the internet to make his case. My point is about Bullying others when you don't agree with their views and it is interesting to me who is actually doing the Bullying! What's going on with Matt Dubber is a form of Bullying by attacking his character. I am not suggesting he should do anything illegal but to stand up for himself and give "them" a little dose of their own medicine. I don't think doing nothing is the answer and I think he should push back a little. The anti's or any group for that matter that resorts to these tactics wants nothing more than for you to run and hide or worse try to persuade them that you are right. They love this and will mock you every chance they get. Killing all those poor starlings ( or what ever), you are not going to win this argument.
Better to say to these people that what you are doing is legal (and you do this in an ethical way) and to expose them for the evil acts that they are doing by going public anyway that you can. 
PS- I personally don't like Donald Trump but as I told my Staunch Democratic Father, " If the politicians (both parties) were truly doing their job of taking care of this country. Donald Trump would not have had a prayer of becoming our president.
( I will remove the Liberal point and Donald Trump so that my point will not be tainted)
Your points are well stated. It's unfortunate that some people are willing to sacrifice their honesty and morality in support of their beliefs, and in the process ignore the rights of others. But that is the world in which we live. I agree he shouldn't just lay down and take it, but neither should he lower himself to their level.
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I believe Matt was the target, as well as other SA air gunners, by certain members of this group before these bird injuries/deaths occurred. If you go to to that facebook page previously posted by BigTinBoat and watch the video taken of the goose rescue(one with the broken wing). In this video the fellow states how it was shot with a "compressed air rifle". Then goes on to say "it's an illegal caliber to hunt wildlife with". That's a heck of a leap deciding what weapon and caliber it was shot with, before even exiting the water. Next video is of the gooses wing X-ray. Notice the goose looks to be dead. While in the arms of its rescuer it looked quite alert with only a broken wing, but now seems to be dead. My question is....If this fellow is an agent for Wildlife rescue group, then why wasn't the bad wing amputated, the goose given antibiotics, time to recuperate and returned to the wild? These people have an agenda for sure and its more about gun control than saving wildlife.

How about that dead falcon. Here is the quote "My husband was walking our dogs on the PE Golf Course on Sunday afternoon when he heard a heavy thud and saw that a hawk had hit the ground. He brought it home and upon closer inspection, we found that it had been shot. It looks like the weapon could have been a pellet gun or air rifle".

Did it just fall out of the sky? Out of a tree? Was a necropsy performed to find out true cause of death. Doubt that bunch is interested in what it died from unless it was an evil GUN.

There is absolutely no proof who or what killed the birds, but this group needed a scapegoat to further their anti-hunting agenda. One person points the finger at Matt and the rest piled on. You are right NMShooter.....Their claim is to save wildlife from the hunting bullies, yet they themselves are the bullies who would rather see Matt harmed than a damn goose.
These hypocrites just irk me.

I play Golf as my second Hobie and use to do it quite often in Southern california well the ponds these geese use are filled with algae from Goose crap and are uninhabitable because you can not shot geese especially Canadian geese here as they are protected and the conversationalists deemed these geese use the ponds and lakes for rest in their migration each year. Unfortunately the conditions are perfect for these geese and they simply dont leave they get to these golf courses with their clean water and green grass and breed and breed. so now the courses are over run with geese and the lakes polluted and excess fertilizers added to the daily watering of the greens to counter the acidity of the goose urine and poop. The Geese simply need to be thinned out our air cannons or noise makes used to force them to keep migrating. Things have gotten out of hand and people have now lived in cities for generations now and dont see how their burgers get to McDonalds so when they see blood or dead animals they are so removed from how the circle of life works it makes them feel bad. Take away all the burgers and bacon in the world for a year and I bet the they all change their tune. We are not vegans by nature we are omnivorous and have been for tens of thousand of years. I have no plans to give up meat anytime soon and I use common since to make most of my daily decisions something that seems to have been lost with young adults for some time now.
Tried watching the videos but they seem to be down. I’ll send an email to the Facebook and or YouTube in his defense. He is a very ethical and precise hunter. He takes out pest, food animals , Cooks , eats , and shares them. Anything edible. Don,t know what video has him in trouble. Can’t really imagine him doing any illegal shooting. He often states he is clearing out pests at the request of property owners, and likely makes a bit of a living at it. I’ve taken out about 240+ rats this year and it is appreciated.
I didn't see any videos or information that incriminates Matt. IMO that guy is a hunter and varminter.. I cant imagine he would shoot a bird of prey knowing the potential outcome..

He is a solid stand up guy and I really enjoy his informative videos...

I'm guessing some "double barrel looser" individual or group doesn't like to see varmints and pests kilt and has ganged up on him like so many others...Truly sad what these people focus on in their miserable lives...

Oldpro, a local company had a problems with CA Geese feeding on their property. They put out plastic coyotes silhouettes it seemed to have worked I haven't seen a goose on their place for years.. Maybe just a suggestion? 

Hang in their Matt, I support you!!