Kalivrgun cricket.25 trajectory anomaly

I have a problem, using kalibegun ceicket, jsb/1.645/Nikon 4-16 / 6771 I return to zero from 50 meters, 64 meters bullet shooting point below the dense point, 74 meters to the left deviation a dense point, 84 The meter is offset to the left by two dense points, and 94 meters to the left by three dense points. The further the distance, the more serious the left deviation. My ballistic parabola is not straight. It is wrong

Leave's 'cant', which is you or the rifle/scope leveling.

It's possible that it's the scope changing center with parallax changes or turret changes. My current favorite scopes actually do not track vertically (elevation turret) without also moving right/left a little. Box test works fine (for return to zero) but If I click 3 dots up, I know I'm gonna have to click one dot to the left . A purist would say that I'm nuts and have bad scopes but I like them! I've never had a left/right issue (that I know of) on these while using the focus wheel.
I agree, re-check your scope's level using a string and Plumb. Line the cross hair parallel with the string and tighten her down. Or use bubble levels on the rifle and scope. Also try a scope bubble level as you shoot to help rid you of the left or right drift especially at long distances. You can see, (on your drawing), the farther out you shoot the more it drifts which indicates "cant." It's also very uniform which you would not see with wind.

Good luck and let us know