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How about your barrels, Crosman?

Let me start by saying: I am a Crosman fan, perhaps even one of their biggest fan-boys. That said, I wish they would get their act together when it comes to the QC on their barrels. I've ordered two .22 barrels for a Benjamin Trail within the last year or so, and both seem to have the same problems: the breech face is cut at the wrong angle creating severe (as in obvious to the naked eye, gun looks like a boomerang) barrel droop. Secondly, both barrels have less than good crowns. I have only re crowned the first one, so far. The second looks even, if a little rough, so I'm going to accuracy test it before re crowning...though I am not optimistic. Lastly, both barrels are "loose" (one more than the other). When pushing a pellet through by hand, I only really feel positive engagement with the rifling on the first third or so of the barrel length. The second third is vague/loose, and the pellet will actually just drop the last third with zero resistance until it hits the choked muzzle and stops. My first barrel won't shoot a group any tighter than an inch and a half at thirty yards (and rarely that tight), no matter how well I'm shooting that day, or which pellet I'm shooting. I haven't accuracy tested the second barrel yet, but as mentioned, I am not optimistic. 

In contrast, I ordered a .177 Trail Barrel when I ordered the first .22. The .177 needed to be re crowned, but otherwise nearly stacks pellets at thirty yards. I also have a Vantage NP barrel in .177. This Trail loves both of the .177 barrels, and shoots extremely tight groups with either. Put on the (first) .22 barrel, and it's "shotgun city." What gives, Crosman? 
I am not sure if crosman still makes any barrels in house?? I believe most are manufactured in china. Regardless, the barrel quality of all but the .25 mrod (manufactured by GM a noted barrel maker) is piss poor to put it nicely.

I too am a huge crosman fan, but this is getting ridiculous!! I believe these are the results of today's corporate America business model, which again is sad and infuriating to the consumer. Just source some good barrels before it is too late!! Are you listening??? Doubt it.
Well, the second barrel is the same as the first. Velocity is a little higher, but groups are a little bigger. I had a hard time shooting groups under 4 inches at thirty yards...FOUR INCHES! Note: I'm not shooting crap pellets, I'm shooting Crosman Premier 14.3 Brown Box pellets, H&N Field Target Trophy, and JSB 15.89 Jumbos. Occasionally I can get a sub 2 inch group for three or four shots. In comparison, I installed my Vantage .177 barrel, and suddenly I'm shooting sub one inch groups at 25 yards...same scope, same gun other than the barrel, shooting CP Premier 7.9 Brown Box pellets. 

So so I send an email to Crosman customer service explaining the situation as I have here: extreme barrel droop, bad crown, loose bore, etc. I explained that I wasn't looking to return the barrels, as I'd had them both at least several months (tho I did say that if they'd take them back I'd be happy to send them). I think I explained the whole loose bore thing completely (pellet friction tight at very beginning, vague till about mid barrel, then the pellet drops with no help from me the rest of the way to the muzzle). I'm not an "expert," but none of my accurate barrels do that, so I'm guessing these barrels shouldn't do it either. I got this reply the next day:

Thank you for contacting Crosman. The quality comments you've sent in have
been recorded in our system. A good portion of the accuracy issues you are experiencing may just be due to the fact that the barrel hasn't been broken in. Many people don't realize that much of the break in period on a new break barrel air rifle is to properly lead the barrel, and fill in any imperfections in the rifling.
Often the dirtier the barrel is the better your accuracy will be.

Errr...yeah? Hey, thanx for the prompt reply, I guess. I replied, pointing out that no amount of "leading" is going to make rifling that doesn't even contact the pellet any tighter (unless he means by "leading" that I should pour molten lead down in the barrel?;). Oh well, can't really get angry about $30.00, but I am a bit disappointed. I really wanted my Trail to sling .22 lead, but I'm unwilling to waste another 15 bucks (really 19 after shipping) for yet another paperweight. I used to wonder why barrels purchased as loose parts don't have even a Crosman/Benjamin logo laser etched onto them like the complete guns do. I guess now I know...
I am to at a loss, why not have green mountain make all the barrels?
I have a 25 Marauder that will shoot hole for hole with my 2000 dollar bull pups.
Come on Crosman get on the ball.
Do you know how many happy customers you would have with the 177 and the 22 cal made with the green mountain barrel?
You would be over run with orders,,,,
I just installed the Huma regulator so I finally have a shot string that I can now evaluate the barrel on my REPLACEMENT rifle . Tried all 3 different weight of JSB's, no go. The Crosman premiers shot the best but groups were still sub standard. I just ordered the Marmot Malitia barrel. As of to date I will spend almost as much as I paid for the rifle to get it to shoot satisfactory. I don't think this is good business. 
I agree I came from the 70s 80s and 90s shooting the 177 , That was the finest pellet made, When I went to PCP guns I so wanted a 22 cal gun, But everyone talked me into a 25 cal gun, I am so glad as its one of the best shooting PCP guns I have,,
Crosman has really dropped the bomb by not up grading there 177 and 22 cal barrels, If the 177 and the 22 shot as good as my 25 cal they could more or less wipe out the market on all the 500 to 1000 dollar guns being sold....
Its just that simple.
I agree, not good business. My Mrod in .25 is a tack driver. Same gun wearing .22 top end also very accurate, but I must've gotten lucky and got a "good" barrel when ordering. While I have several barrels that were made in China that are plenty accurate, I'm sure it would be a lot easier to deal with someone locally, rather than having to ship a container of guns back overseas with a nasty-gram when you find a bad batch. No easy (or economical) answer there, but I'd certainly pay several dollars more for a "low-end" gun if I didn't have to worry about it shooting sideways! I'm not ready for the "big break-up" yet, Crosman...but I'm getting there (...no baby, it's not me...it's YOU!).
Most prod barrels have the same loose bores that the .22 rifles have. Alot of people for whatever reason have lesser expectations for the prod. Some think because they are small and lightweight, that they will not be as accurate as a rifle. Alot of people seem to think a short barrel isn't capable of great accuracy.

There is a rather large demand for aftermarket prod barrels as well.
Same here,been shooting Crosman since a kid in the 60's. My new Vantage NP .22 has shotgun syndrome,sprays everywhere,checked barrel with good bore scope and it is horrible.took high def pics on laptop.Where that stupid front site is pressed on and the barrel end has no crown at all,looks like they cut it off with a chop saw."Treat your air rifle barrel with kid gloves" so is said.Not in this case.I tried patches with string/nylon bore brush using dawn ultra to get the grease out,still filthy,used the bore snake with Hoppes #9,what's to lose right,POS anyways,the machine markings look like something from shop class.The bore snake helped a lot and removed the fouling with Hoppe's #9,kept that away from the breech seal.The so called crown, there is none will be next.I'm gonna try it again before i delve into that.Why no quality after market barrels available? I love the power factor on this gun...How I add a picture.I am new here,thanks for any info.