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Covid 19 raped my airgun

Guys I'm here to say that not only has Corona virus taken my little girl out of school,... Which btw is awsome because I can teach her some real survival education in the woods... But has also raped my airgun. Yes it's true I awoke this morning to my local rod and gun club canceling half the get togethers that I participated in. The rest are to be announced. I found my poor Air gun crying in the shower shuddering and I couldn't console her. Covid 19 had raped her of her only purpose in life. I tried to tell her that fear was the denial of the father and that fear is the tool of Satan but the news kept saying how screwed we all are. My airgun forgot that she was a freedom loving American and hates when authorities grab for more power through fear. I don't blame my club but I do blame the media for scaring my poor airgun and my club into fear. I want to remind everyone that these A- holes are the same people that told us to fear weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and convinced us to fight in endless desert wars because of 18 dudes with boxcutters that somehow crippled the greatest nation earth has ever known. Yeah my airgun is scared and weak but I have Jesus christ and all jokes aside please guys realise these guys are known liars. God is real and we should fear nothing these rapists tell us. We have no reason to believe them. Love you guys hope you get the joke and what's not a joke. Amen
First get your gun out of the shower. Second you better get back to your bible. God is certainly not concerned with material possessions. 

Proverbs 11:2-4

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

James 1:26

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless

Proverbs 20:19 

Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.

The thinness of the skin around here is pathetic. Is it the frustration of airguns that have caused this, or were you fellas this way before you became airgun enthusiasts? 

Seriously, I do bass fishing forums, fly fishing forums, boating forums, auto mechanic forums, hunting forums, and cooking forums. Of all those groups, THIS ONE is the place where "men" are the most easily offended. 

I mean c'mon !
Maybe in bad taste, but lets not jump all over this. ( or the author )

Covid19 is going to shut down a large swathe of Airgun related activities, club, national and International meets (RMAC?) will be cancelled , It has all ready started to have effect on the supply chain of goods , at first from China, but soon/now worldwide. 

The virus may not kill us all as some doomsayers would preach, but the worlds reaction to it will affect us all.

This post maybe a little overboard but point taken...and being offended by it is just childish!!! This virus has been here far longer than their leading you to believe!

Don't fool yourself government is evil!

The United states has dropped the ball and now try bank on it....the media has crippled this nation in so many ways! has been no testing and most suburban areas haven't even been able to get tests until just the last few days. 

I'm pretty sure I had it a few weeks ago and the only test done was for the flu which was negative....but the sickness I had took me out of work for a week with severe fever and chest congestion...I mean I was sick ! Lost 9 pounds in a matter of days....and they made me put a mask on emeditly at the clinic so they new something was up!!!

The flu that is going around right now is more dangerous than this coronavirus will ever be and its turned into a political joke!

Sorry For my rant but it just sickens me to what this world is becoming!
Personally the start of this thread has flipped back and forth and may have been misinterpreted. As always everyone has an opinion here. Yet the pandemic has taken over and as we see every day there is a change in the reporting of C-19. 

Us older folks and those with health issues are under the same risks as those younger with health issues. Agree there are many other things that can affect us all. The Air gun hobby will be just 1 hobby affected. Being most of the airguns, many parts and accessories came from overseas many of us could have already been exposed to what ever. Being the truth of when this outbreak started I personally have received many parts and pieces from overseas from at least October till this month.

So here we are as usual been in the DARK for who knows how long of this event. It's going to IMO now at the point slow anything from coming into the USA no matter what it is. We have not really taken in just how much crap we have sent overseas to be made by cheap labor. 

We have looked the other way and yes buying the items from overseas at a cheaper price has pulled us in. Yet afterwords realizing that the items are cheap for a reason. This C-19 to some may not be a worry. But as I see the every day changes in the times I see much money being thrown at it. But the USA could not take care of many needs of the USA Citizens prior to this out break. News reporters for the most as it has always been do not tell all the true facts and are more opinions than facts.

Not saying this is a scare tactic put out as the government has used prior to this but it is taking over. Fear is a bad thing in some cases and with fear comes reactions. It's the reactions that cause pandemics.

It is going to effect all life till it is under control. Who would have thought NO toilet paper on shelves? At this point we have more important things to worry about than our AG hobby. And yes this was a rant!💀😷 
Chuck hunter gets it. I won't attack other airgun ears that disagree with my joke but I will say that that dudes should be able to joke around with thier mates and I do think of most of you as my mates. Perhaps it was in bad taste but maybe some of my agitation is due to the media blowing this thing out of proportion with fear mongering that caused me to lose 100,000 dollars in 2 weeks or the fact that idiots are fighting in my local Costco and Walmart because they were too dumb to prepare for more than 2 days without going to the store. Perhaps I just wanted to laugh with you guys about the complete idiocy of the whole thing. Flu kills like 30,000 people every year, cancer kills a ton too and yet nobody is flipping out and telling the government to stop feeding is gmo foods or putting fluoride in our water. The airgun club closure was a last straw of sorts. I can lose 100k and laugh about it if I can still go shooting with my buddies. Sorry for offending some of you guys. Your decent dudes I just have an abrasive sense of humor. Take it easy fellas.