Card Splitting Challenge - Sept 2023

Airgun Nation

Staff member
Aug 24, 2020
Colorado, United States
While this challenge has been around for a loooong time, this will be the first time we actually host it as part of our monthly shooting challenge.


Photo credit @Ramjet

Our challenge is...

Suspend at least 1 playing card with a safe backstop behind it. Attempt to split the card using any caliber airgun, at any distance. We suggest the bigger the caliber the greater the distance! But honestly there are no rules for this one. Just shoot a card, have some fun, and share a few pics, videos, and/or details.

Winner will receive 1 tin/box of projectiles from Michael's personal stash ;)
I had to take last month off because I was in Utah on business and pleasure (shooting the Utah Airguns range). I'm back now and have an entry for this month for the card-splitting challenge. Here is a link to the video:

For this one, I installed the two cards onto a stepper motor that was spinning while I was trying to shoot the cards. This was shot at 40 yards using my modified Avenger 22cal shooting H&N Baracuda Match. This was done in three shots after two sighters.

Let me know what you think, airgunners!!

Edit - In the chance that I may "win" this contest by the final judgement, I would defer the honor to @IndiaCo. 's 9YO son. He is an awesome marksman, and I would be proud if my 14YO son made that shot. Well done!
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Monthly Airgun Challenge
It took me 10 shots to cut the card at 48 yds. I put a black mark across early but then a clean cut at #10. Just learning the Triggercam. Love how it mounts but I need to work on the focus. The card is hard for these OLD eyes to see.

Uragan 2 25 cal.
Athlon MidasTac 4-16x44
Zan 41 gr slug
48 yds 10 shots

If i did this, i would have to put a slight twist on the challenge, CUZ you see i do not have any playing cards.

BUT ! i do have 5 - 10 dead micro SD memory cards which i have saved for pneumatic termination, which if i did it i would out up sideways at 50 M or just flat on at 80+ M as a micro SD card are smaller than a sugar cube.
Either way if hit would leave no evidence i am sure. so would have to put a camera on the target for proof.
While this challenge has been around for a loooong time, this will be the first time we actually host it as part of our monthly shooting challenge.

View attachment 386600
Photo credit @Ramjet

Our challenge is...

Suspend at least 1 playing card with a safe backstop behind it. Attempt to split the card using any caliber airgun, at any distance. We suggest the bigger the caliber the greater the distance! But honestly there are no rules for this one. Just shoot a card, have some fun, and share a few pics, videos, and/or details.

Winner will receive 1 tin/box of projectiles from Michael's personal stash ;)
Here is my addition to the last day of this month's challenge!




All shots with Gen 2 .25 box stock Mrod and air arms 25.4 Diablo Field.
Top row is My better halfs' offering done in 24 shots. Not too shabby as she rarely shoots with me. Second row was one for one, I was pretty stoked until I noticed I hit the one card and took it out of the mount and didn't split it. Bottom row was the first group and done with 8 shots. All shots at 30 yards. Then moved on to the big bore for another project. This was so fun I bragged to my work buddies. Have a great day everyone!