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Caldwell Chrono not working with ios devices

Howdy all
I purchased a Caldwell Chrono several years ago, not the one with Bluetooth, I have always connected by cable provided + the adapters the iphone 8 uses a lightning connector while the ipad pro uses a usbc connector, I have the proper adapters for each device. This is the way I have connected to the chrono from day one so I know it works. Not sure when I used the chrono last but today no matter what I did neither device was displaying data when the chrono was working and the app was showing in the upper right a green light in the cable connection indicator. I did lots of troubleshooting made sure the microphone was turned on for the app, switching between devices, After researching the issue online seems I’m not the only Apple user having this issue. So I guess it’s time to create a spreadsheet and manually enter the data. I don’t use the chrono enough to justify buying a new one when that money could be allocated to a different airgun item. I feel like Caldwell is not interested in supporting Apple device's. Not sure if people using android or other os are having this issue.