Another lunchtime nutter

I came home today for lunch. I was eating my sammich when a nutter came directly under the tree at the back of my yard and was eating there. 

I went downstairs cracked the back door, flipped off the safety and lined up on her. She was facing me and I went for the forehead shot. I sent the lead with my S510 and she dropped, but no dance. 

I went out to retrieve; the right eye was popped out and she was hyperventilating. Blank stare, didn’t react to pokes with a stick. The round had taken her just above the nose but not quite between the eyes. 

I went back in and gave her another, this one hit behind the ear, popped out the other eye and triggered The Dance. 

I think she was brain dead after the first shot, from the impact of the .22, but since I didn’t take out the brain stem, so life support was still on. 1/4” higher would’ve been fine. .177 mightn’t have done the job here…

Shooting position was the usual: 25 yards, standing, braced on the door stile, with my back kind of wedged against the bathroom door stile behind me. It’s about as stable as possible from a standing position. 

Ammo was JSB 18.1 gr at just under 30 FPE. 

I’ve got four in the freezer awaiting their final destination, so this one just got thrown over the fence into the woods and the coyotes can have her tonight. 
