Skout .25 Skout Epoch

“Bling” fat cocking handle from Skout. 👍


It was tough to get out, but crazy tough to install. Those 90 duro orings are very stiff. While I had it apart I replaced all the PU rings with BunaN just because…. 😉
It made a big difference in my reg performance, I’m usually about 1800 psi, so it probably isn’t an issue with lower reg pressures. I shoot the .25 Heavy at about 945 fps, HP at 1780 +/- 20 psi and LP at about 165 to 170 psi. Dwell at 25 micro sec. For a 50 shot string I get about a 9 fps ES and 2.5 SD.
How are those Buna O rings working out? I'm looking to replace my bottle valve o ring with a Buna 90...I think its an -3. I have a slow leak from the bottle into the regs after shutting off and depressurizing. I know SKOUT has as vid out about this o ring. Looks easy. Gun is serial 0323, August 23 time frame. PU ring is probably taking a set. I was also going to do a few on the regs. Can you do a list on which ones would have the most impact changing out and their sizes? Thanks
Those are really nice spreads and SD that you’re seeing. Seems the best I can muster with the 25” barrel are low to mid 2’s with around 9-10 ES over 50-70 shots. I’m very happy with that. That is with the upper reg body inner Buna N ring. That’s shooting JSB .25 King Heavy, MKII and Rangemasters.

The 35” barrel is another story. Same HPR setup. I’m having a tough time getting the HPR stable at lower pressures, say 1250. The ES and SD are pretty loose. On the order of ~20 ES and 9-10 SD. The HPR either climbs or drops slowly with every shot as does the FPS. Accuracy suffers a bit. I saw someone raised the dwell to the 34 area on a recommendation from Tim Swan, but his was a .30. I tried higher dwells and thought it started to help but didn’t in the end.

I’m wondering about trying a different spring for lower pressures.

I just like the way it feels and sounds with the longer barrel but it can’t compete with the shorter barrel for accuracy at this point.

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.25 JTS 34 grain at 916 fps. ES and SD looking very good. Accuracy was hard to tell today since it was very windy and swirling direction by the second. Will give the shooting for score a try when winds are not so crazy….

View attachment 446526
Is that with the long or short barrel? My SD with the long barrel is 2-3 I believe, with original o-rings in regs.
Is that with the long or short barrel? My SD with the long barrel is 2-3 I believe, with original o-rings in regs.
Thats pretty good! I haven't tried the .25 long barrel, but I have one. How does that compare accuracy wise to the short barrel? What Dwell, HP, and LP settings do you use? I'm assuming .25 Heavy at 950 fps ish?
Hi Scotty, what caliber and reg pressures are you using? Just curious.
I have a .22 that I’m running @ 130 LP and 1500 HP. I also have .25/.30 with long barrels. I dont recall the .25 settings, but I’ll take it out today and see. That one has a Razor 6-36 on it, and deserves to be looked through more often.
Thats pretty good! I haven't tried the .25 long barrel, but I have one. How does that compare accuracy wise to the short barrel? What Dwell, HP, and LP settings do you use? I'm assuming .25 Heavy at 950 fps ish?
I’ve heard that the short barrels are more consistent, that said, I did shoot my best 50 yard group ever with the .25 long barrel. I haven’t shot the .25 short, as I only have long barrels now. The .30 short, while I had it was very accurate. I’ll get back to you on settings etc…
Thats pretty good! I haven't tried the .25 long barrel, but I have one. How does that compare accuracy wise to the short barrel? What Dwell, HP, and LP settings do you use? I'm assuming .25 Heavy at 950 fps ish?
Well, I mis-remembered a bit… SD is 3-4 over 34 shots, leaning toward 4 fps. Dwell is 30, LP is 160 HP is just under 1500 for 950ish fps. Too windy for accuracy testing, but recall good grouping at 910ish fps
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Well, I mis-remembered a bit… SD is 3-4 over 34 shots, leaning toward 4 fps. Dwell is 30, LP is 160 HP is just under 1500 for 950ish fps. Too windy for accuracy testing, but recall good grouping at 910ish fps
Thanks for the info Scotty. I liked to shoot 910-915 too. Maybe I need to push the pellets a bit faster and see if things stabilize with the 35”.
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The first 100 or so guns had an 008. This was revised to an 009 due to issues with the regulator not sealing when using a slow fill whip. We have since completely revised MFE 103 into a 2 piece design to make oring installation easier. Centercut and Motorhead, I will be doing some testing with bunas this week, I appreciate your efforts to help improve the EPOCH platform. It is users like you guys that help us drive innovation and in the end put out a better product.

As for putting that groove in those parts, I have about .01 of clearance to get the tool in and out without hitting the opposite side wall. Had to grind myself clearance to make it happen on the grooving tool.
Hello Luke, can you tell us when you switched to the two piece design for the MFE 103 and how the Buna O ring testing is going? My .25 is # 00323. Can this part be retrofitted in or do you need the complete HP reg assembly...currently showing out of stock on your website.

Thanks in advance.

Hello Luke, can you tell us when you switched to the two piece design for the MFE 103 and how the Buna O ring testing is going? My .25 is # 00323. Can this part be retrofitted in or do you need the complete HP reg assembly...currently showing out of stock on your website.

Thanks in advance.

Our Frames are serialized all at once so we dont ship them in a chronological order. the parts can be retrofitted. If you're interested in getting these pieces feel free to call us or send an email [email protected]