Recent content by Outbrdman

  1. O

    I won't Paypal FF Again & Will not request it.

    The usps is less trustworthy than any of the people on this forum. I've had numerous problems with them with orders for my business. They have even left my packages at a different address, on the weekend, on the sidewalk at the door.
  2. O

    "Dreaming" of a Dreamline ;)

  3. O

    Watch & Discuss the FX Dreamline!!

    This would be nice to add to the collection! 
  4. O

    WIN an FX Dreamline and more!!

  5. O

    Need info on Tipan mutant.

    Check with I think he just listed them on Facebook.
  6. O

    Help with SCBA tank info

    Hello, I just got my first scba tank and all the equipment to fill it. My question is, how much pressure will be used out of a 6k tank to fill a 60 minute scba tank that is completely empty? I don't know the size of the 6k tank, it's approximately 51 inches by 10 inches. Thanks for any info.
  7. O

    Bobcat mk1 vs mk2

    Thanks for the good info!
  8. O

    Bobcat mk1 vs mk2

    In 30 cal by the way.
  9. O

    Bobcat mk1 vs mk2

    Opinions, comparisons on these 2 models please. Which do you like the best? Thanks