Recent content by Joef

  1. Joef

    US Air Rifle 25 m targets

    My target stock is done, sold the last of it yesterday. Folks will need to get in touch with Mark. Joe
  2. Joef

    US Air Rifle 25 m targets

    Your emails went to junk folder, happy you said something here. Targets going out tomorrow. Thanks, Joe
  3. Joef

    US Air Rifle 25 m targets

    I still sell the USARB targets. Send me your info at [email protected]
  4. Joef

    Results N50 Results 4/20/24 Open Grove

    Awesome conditions for the whole morning, haven't seen one of these days in a awhile. Congrats to all the 250's and winners. I know that a few had technical problems but kept at it, so congrats for that. Today's shoot much different. Joe
  5. Joef

    Top shooters set potential USARB records at Sherwood Indoor Bench rest match

    Why, when the targets are being sent back to the match director. Usually they are not sent back.
  6. Joef

    Results N50 Jan 2024 leader board updated

    Ben, have to keep a close eye on those three, they like to cheat.:)
  7. Joef

    One Piece vs Two Piece...the tale of the tape.

    Hey Tommy, will add my 2 cents with you shooting rimfire. First the front rest has to be level, including the top if one uses a regular front sand bag. Just because one has the platform level the bag bottom can be leaning a tad either side depending the fill used. When one is cocking and...
  8. Joef

    .04 MOA All Day Long If I Do My Part.

    Those X counts are good but what intrigues myself most is the consistency from Mike time after time, and that's what wins matches.
  9. Joef

    N50 classes

    The Factory class will follow the Price cap of $1250 MRSP and list of rifles, and that is about it.. As far as rests, two pieced, bipods and sand bags only. Triggers, aftermarket allowed. Single shot trays are allowed. This class will be a trial run and hoping new shooters will get involved...
  10. Joef

    USARB Introduction

    I'm delighted to see you respond to my post. Lou sent 3 files, if you can't open please advise. I have 2400 targets left. It is a good idea to procure updated target files from one of the WRABF Board members. You will need to find a quality printer. I do not own that website for one, second...
  11. Joef

    N50 scoring question

    You wouldn't believe the targets that I have scored from 1-6 line lickers. That one bull with 6 was finally shot for a 10, something I will never forget, can still see it in my minds eye. Crazy stuff some times.
  12. Joef

    N50 and USARB Results, 12-10-23

    Wow what a difference a day makes, we had 40 mph gusts on Saturday with Santa Ana winds which typically is a 3 day event. It was dead calm in the morning when the shooters arrived and stayed that way for the first match. The second match was the usual stuff light and switchy. We welcomed Dana...
  13. Joef

    N50 Results 12-6-23

    Had 8 shooters show up for another beautiful still morning. Matt K. joined us along with Joe S. Keith shot well again this time with the Thomas also Dennis did well with the Annie. The second match the conditions were back to normal for that time of day. Lou is sick again so back with the...
  14. Joef

    USARB Introduction

    It is nice to see 50m implemented in WRABF, but as far as USARB is concerned there has been zero updates to what is even happening with the organization. I know the past BOD did not do much to keep it going but at present this is not a good sign for the future of USARB. The lack of interest...