Recent content by dizzums

  1. dizzums

    Need Advice On Taking Down Coyotes

    id say mainly, remember its an airgun .. we like to fantasize about ooo 250y shots blah blah, but the truth is, its all strategy imo .. you want to get them in close and blow them in half .. thats the idea .. it shouldnt matter 'at all' what projectile your putting in it and you shouldnt need...
  2. dizzums

    any interesting ways youve repurposed empty co2 cartridges?

    how about pull switch handles😁 tada ..
  3. dizzums

    N/A Bullpup Vs. Pistol

    theyre all cool .. my general outlook is some situations a pistol or bullpup fits, but for the most part a full sized rifle with solid stock is going to be good no matter what ..
  4. dizzums

    BOG death grip!!!

    theyre definitely a useful addition to youre home pesting setup, especially rapid window deployment ...
  5. dizzums

    N/A Decocking pcp!!!

    it wont hurt the spring , i keep one cocked 24/7 lol .. yeah it can make a difference both in time into action and noise if youre needing to be stealthy .. theres also magazine issues with some guns depending, you may have to rod a pellet out every time which is a pita if its daily, or youre in...
  6. dizzums

    PARD Thermals

    my opinion having used pards and atns is i much prefer an atn, and i have both 4kpro nv and a thor4 384 and a couple of pard clipons .. it really depends on the exact scenario on which i would choose, but a couple things - i tend to do all night steak-outs and monitoring a thermal is harsh + its...
  7. dizzums

    Night vision - what are you using?

    i got several night vision setups including thermal, and i guess ultimately it depends exactly what you are doing, but my own opinion is its hard to beat an atn xsight 4k pro for serious night pesting around the house .. i like it enough to have 2 of them and theyre what rack up the most kills...
  8. dizzums

    GX CS4 Power Supply Issues

    hmm .. does it have a large cap in the line somewhere? if so i would suspect that, or maybe a relay? suspect to .. otherwise, im not sure how the connections look specifically but be sure theyre all clean and tight and try another outlet ... something else id try cuz im a hack haha, is if you...
  9. dizzums

    Do .177 Pellets Ricochet Off Metal Targets

    oh yes ... its beautiful ..
  10. dizzums

    What Red Dot scope is your favorite and why.

    eyes dont work super well with dots, but one i find 'nifty' and functional is a primary arms 1-4x scope that has a decent crosshair, but you can turn on a dot, turn it down to 1X and presto, dual function you can use it like a dot .. optics are pretty nice, drawback - its quite heavy and large...
  11. dizzums

    An experiment I would like to see

    i think when dealing with air/charge volume, the idea is a rough surface allows it to 'stack' better and more densely in the runner instead of just slipping to the shortest side say a mirror polished dome would slip through the air better than a multi-faceted front surface .. but im...
  12. dizzums

    Nosey Neighbors?

    what they cant see they cant prove, long as you dont hit them lol. i would argue ' you dont know what you heard sir, btw if you touch my fence youre trespassing '
  13. dizzums

    Other Moderators and Accuracy?

    mods dont seem to have much effect, but the guns i have them on do shoot well .. a dedicated air stripper did make my marauder more consistent, not huge, but noticeable ->
  14. dizzums

    The PARD NV008S LRF is the Benchmark for Affordable Night Vision (Full Review)

    for all practical purposes at the 'bargain' level of illuminators you wont see any difference in 'light power' between 940 and 850 .. theres much more difference between lights of similar 'wattage' with the lens setup AND most importantly, battery quality ... but the major difference with 940 is...
  15. dizzums

    Special oring for cfb valve?

    standard will work, generously lube it and the threads with silicone oil .. dont use tools to tighten, just cinch it up tight by hand .. oh and if theres any burrs around the sealing area knock them off with alittle sandpaper, 400 or sumpin ..