Recent content by DirtBikeMike07

  1. DirtBikeMike07

    Little rifle for a little guy

    Thanks guys! I forgot the finished picture!
  2. DirtBikeMike07

    Little rifle for a little guy

    Hi guys, I thought you might enjoy a project I did for a friend's kid. The guy is very small for his age. Really small. He is out in the shooting shack with us all the time. Absolutely loves it! He was always drawn to my Crosman 160. It's the shortest rifle I have. He asked to shoot it every...
  3. DirtBikeMike07

    New Neighbors!

    You bet Willy! I will let you guys know as soon as I talk to them a bit more. I was looking at different locations for the shack today if I end up having to move it. I even watched a couple, how to move a shed, vids. Seems possible.
  4. DirtBikeMike07

    N/A Who makes the quietest gun out of the box?

    Again, Wow! So many replies. So many guns to consider! Thanks! You folks are a very helpful bunch! I belong to a few forums, Dirt bike, jet ski, 4x4, RC. None of them are as helpful as you guys. Especially for a new guy! This is cool. I lurked here for a long time without posting. Just reading...
  5. DirtBikeMike07

    N/A Who makes the quietest gun out of the box?

    Hi guys, in relation to my New Neighbor post. I am curious who makes the Quietest rifle out of the box? Without me having to add an LDC. I am not sure if those are legal here. I am trying to get that answered now. But just in case I find out they are not. I would like to know which guns are...
  6. DirtBikeMike07

    New Neighbors!

    Thanks again for all the ideas guys! This is great! My wife is loving the recipes! We will try them all. This morning she had cookies, caramel popcorn balls and cinnamon candy on their door before I even got up. They were home but did not answer. She said it was very noisy inside. They are...
  7. DirtBikeMike07

    New Neighbors!

    Wow, thanks for all the replies! Lots of good ideas here! I am way out in the country and zoned heavy industrial. Shooting a real gun is legal in my yard. Corps of engineer's land across the street where people hunt every day during bird season. Lots of gunfire noise! They did seem concerned...
  8. DirtBikeMike07

    New Neighbors!

    Hi guys, I am getting new neighbors. It's only a matter of time before they ask why there are targets all over my backyard. I have met them once and they seem like nice folks. Thet are not moved in yet. The first thing they asked about was my dirt bike track. I know the target question was...
  9. DirtBikeMike07

    PCP guns in winter

    I shoot all winter too and use Nitrogen. It's more consistent than air in different temperatures and zero moisture.
  10. DirtBikeMike07

    do you shoot alone?

    95% alone. Except for 3 dogs and one cat that thinks it's a dog, they follow me to the shooting shack every time. My wife has an Avenger and comes out a few times a year. I know 7 other people with Airguns, but it was just a fad for them. They quit shortly after they got into it.
  11. DirtBikeMike07

    I maybe turning into an air gun hoarder

    I love to show my wife pictures like yours blackdiesel! Then I can say, See, I don't have a problem! This is normal!
  12. DirtBikeMike07

    AEAC Online?

    Not sure about the website. His wife is from the Ukraine and in one of his vids he mentioned that the war over there had them pretty busy with her still having family there.
  13. DirtBikeMike07

    Am I Just Nosey Or What?

    100 percent guilty! On every add I look at on FB or C list too. I was a traveling service guy for many years. Always looked around the yard or garage to see what was around. Partly for situational awareness, Looking for things like mean dogs! And partly for interesting things to strike up a...
  14. DirtBikeMike07

    Cold Weather Shooting

    This was our solution. We built an 8x10 shack to shoot from! Entirely from scrap wood! I made a small, but powerful woodstove for it, from scrap metal! It stays really nice inside even with the flap open. We tried a rocket stove first, but it took constant feeding and did not burn sticks very...