Thanks to Jeffrey Hernández


Nov 6, 2016
Colorado, United States
I’d like to acknowledge Jeffrey Hernández for his 3rd place finish this year in the 100y BR event at EBR. This is Jeffrey’s 3rd consecutive overall top 3 finish ….including a 1st place last year and a 2nd the year before. Jeffrey also won the N50 pellet combined class this year which is the aggregate of all 18 cards shot with a pellet gun.

Jeffrey is incredibly dedicated to his practice and learning and puts a tremendous amount of time into moving forward. I’m thankful to know him and appreciate his choice of Thomas Air rifles for competition.

Jeffrey is not only a super talented shooter, but also a very nice young man, and is a good representative for Thomas Airguns.
One of our Team Centercut shooters, Peykan Beyrami, shot his brand-new Thomas HP-X at EBR and finished 9th in the 100Y finals and 6th in the Extreme Field Target (not sure if he shot the Thomas at EFT, but I'm certain he shot it at 75Y and 100Y).
Thank you very much Mike.
I made too many mistakes during the weekend and I will work on it for the future.
Thank you for your support and for providing me with reliable and consistent equipment so I can only focus on beating the wind.
I will continue to move forward always learning from the best.

Jeff Hernandez.